bi0s Recruitment CTF

India's No.1 Ranked CTF Team & Cyber Security Research Club

We are a team of college students from Amrita university, passionate about cyber security, and dedicated to protect tomorrow's cyberspace.

Think you got what it takes?

All it takes is to prove yourself. Tackle the challenges, conquer them, and demonstrate your strength to earn your place among the elite!

What we do

Team bi0s primarily participate in Capture The Flag (CTF) competitions & have been consistently ranked the number one team in India since 2016 according to CTFtime. Our members have found several security issues in a variety of software such as Virtualization Software, Content Management Systems, Q&A Forums, Operating Systems, etc. Driven by the vision to make security education easily accessible in India, members of our team go around places such as Schools, Universities, and Industries to deliver security trainings and workshops ranging from very basic topics to cutting edge security research. We also host monthly cybersecurity meetups check that out here